There’s good news for publishing

Subscription is the opportunity that readers and newspapers were waiting for

There’s bad news and good news. The bad news is that publishing is in crisis. Decrease in sales of print, reduction in revenues from digital advertising, competition from large on-line platforms such as Google and Facebook.

The good news is that one in five Italians is ready to subscribe to digital news. The on-line survey conducted at the end of 2020 by Zuora says so.

How can this propensity be transformed into concrete action? We live, after all, in the age of subscription, more and more people are streaming movies, renting software and ordering food at home. Subscription services are everywhere.

In the United States, where the subscription economy started, the New York Times reached 7.5 million digital subscribers in 2021 and, for the first time, digital revenues exceeded those of print. A result that confirms the unstoppable strength of subscription in all sectors of the economy.

What do Italian readers want?

Custom and consumption-based offers, independent subscription management, freedom to suspend subscriptions, simple and transparent customer experience. The readers’ wishes coincide with the principles on which the subscription is based.

In an age of a tremendous amount of information and media, it is even more important for publishers to focus on data and customer relationships to understand purchasing tastes and behaviours.

This approach allows you to build a business model that improves over time and continuously meets readers’ requests and wishes.

Sidea Group and Zuora: the subscription partners

Together with Zuora, a leader in the management of subscription services, Sidea Group helps companies to evolve towards a subscription-based business model.

The solutions offered by the Zuora platform allow publishers to manage readers throughout the subscriber’s life cycle, with simple and flexible registration and payment processes.

The goal is to offer readers a valuable experience and companies a model that generates recurring and prolonged revenue over time.


Focus On

Subscription is everywhere

Streaming, rental, home delivery: everyone wants subscription services.

Focus On

Customers and companies in the subscription economy era

Caratteristiche e vantaggi del modello basato sull’abbonamento.

Focus On

La nuova frontiera dell’editoria: benvenuti nell’era dell’economia abbonamento

Gli editori più lungimiranti puntano su subscription e abbonamenti per evolvere il vecchio modello di business dell’editoria.

Focus On

Subscription is everywhere

Streaming, rental, home delivery: everyone wants subscription services.

Focus On

Customers and companies in the subscription economy era

Caratteristiche e vantaggi del modello basato sull’abbonamento.

Focus On

La nuova frontiera dell’editoria: benvenuti nell’era dell’economia abbonamento

Gli editori più lungimiranti puntano su subscription e abbonamenti per evolvere il vecchio modello di business dell’editoria.