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Fastweb NeXXt: sempre avanti, anche sui servizi

20 October 2022

Fastweb NeXXt: always ahead, even on services

It is called NEXXT GENERATION 2025 and it's Fastweb's next-generation service, with speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second that allows access to many services through the use of mobile broadband network.

Fastweb is also the first telecommunications company in Italy and among the few in Europe to have launched an Ultra Fwa network, meaning a fixed wireless access network, which combines the power of fibre and that of 5G frequencies.

Using this latest technology, the signal travels through the fibre optic to the antenna closest to your home and reaches the CPE 5G device, previously installed by Fastweb technicians on your roof or balcony. The latter converts 5G or 4G signals to Wi-Fi signals and allows you to browse at maximum speed.

Fastweb adds an important service innovation to this infrastructure innovation. In fact, it is shifting to the "subscription" model and aims to provide flexibility and transparency.

Sidea Group, supplier of several of the multinational’s assets, has contributed as a tech lead to the part of the NEXXT project related to system integration and the subscription services management system, or subscription, through an ecosystem of complex applications including Zuora.

If you are interested in understanding the mechanisms of “servicing” or subscription operating models, make an appointment to call our experts.

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