Con Sidea Beauty


Omni-channel and data intelligence: a customer-friendly experience for Ethos.

Segmento 1 - Dettaglio case


Delivering modern, omni-channel retail experiences through customer segmentation.

Aree di intervento


  • CRM strategy

  • Marketing automation

  • System integration

  • Business analysis

  • Marketing intelligence

  • Ethos Group is the most important consortium of perfumeries in Italy. It has more than 300 points of sale and 250 consortium companies. Thanks to the group’s strength, it can adopt shared strategies to compete with the sector’s leading players.
    Ethos is one of Sidea Group’s historical customers. For years, we have been leading the group in digital transformation, combining marketing, communication and technology.

    We started from the digital experience, working on the site, on the mailing process and on the CRM management strategy. The goal is to offer Ethos customers an omni channel approach, able to integrate digital experiences, offer personalised responses and accompany the wishes and needs of the customer seamlessly between on-line store and physical store.

    Thanks to the tailor-made platform, we have tackled content management and developed a customer engagement strategy to create an active and satisfied customer community.
    The next step was the development of marketing automation actions to encourage participation through personalised messages. All this improves customer relations and allows the performance of each activity to be measured, implementing a virtuous circle of customer knowledge and work to meet their expectations in the best way.